
tamoadmin 游戏问答 2024-05-29 0
  1. ps4神秘海域3四个雕像怎么转
  2. 神秘海域3:德雷克的欺骗的成就系统











_衩睾S?3:德雷克的欺骗是由Naughty Dog(顽皮狗)工作室开发的一款射击冒险游戏,于2011年11月1日发行

_诶傲阶魑按蟮拿跋蘸螅魅四谏さ吕卓耍_athan Drake)将再次接受挑战。

_敬蔚吕卓私胛送小に绽模_ictor Sullivan)搭档组合,他们将在在***的沙漠中探寻隐藏的传说“沙漠的亚特兰蒂斯。本次除了多人对战以外,还加上了协力游戏。此外游戏画面将更上一层楼,并对应了3D立体视觉。

原生奖杯 1白 1金 10银 43铜 55总

1First TreasureFind 1 treasure铜杯发掘首件宝藏找到1个宝藏

2Apprentice Fortune HunterFind 10 treasures铜杯寻宝猎人学徒找到10个宝藏

3Skilled Fortune HunterFind 40 Treasures铜杯寻宝新手找到40个宝藏

4Adept Fortune HunterFind 60 Treasures铜杯熟练寻宝猎人找到60个宝藏

5Expert Fortune HunterFind 80 Treasures铜杯老练寻宝猎人找到80个宝藏

6Relic FinderFind the Strange Relic铜杯遗物发掘者找到遗物 (特殊宝藏)

720 HeadshotsDefeat 20 enemies with headshots铜杯20记头部射击累计20次爆头

8Headshot ExpertDefeat five enemies in a row with headshots铜杯头部射击专家连续5次爆头

9Side Arm MasterDefeat 30 enemies in a row with your side arm铜杯防身武器***使用随身武器连续杀敌30人

10Blindfire Mark***anDefeat 20 enemies by blind-firing while in cover (without aiming with L1)铜杯盲射神***在掩体后盲射杀敌20人 (不瞄准直接射击)

11Run-and-GunnerDefeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1)铜杯疾跑射手边跑边射击***20人 (不瞄准直接射击)

12HangmanDefeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging铜杯刽子手攀在边缘杀敌20人

13Land SharkDefeat 20 enemies while swimming铜杯陆上鲨鱼游泳中杀敌20人

1430 Kills: Mag 5Defeat 30 enemies with the Mag 5铜杯Mag 5 ***30人使用Mag 5杀敌30人

1530 Kills: Arm MicroDefeat 30 enemies with the Arm Micro铜杯Arm Micro ***30人使用Arm Micro杀敌30人

1630 Kills: TAU SniperDefeat 30 enemies with the Tau Sniper铜杯TAU Sniper ***30人使用Tau Sniper杀敌30人

1730 Kills: KAL 7Defeat 30 enemies with the KAL 7铜杯KAL 7 ***30人使用KAL 7杀敌30人

1830 Kills: M9Defeat 30 enemies with the M9铜杯M9 ***30人使用M9杀敌30人

1930 Kills: G-MALDefeat 30 enemies with the G-MAL铜杯G-MAL ***30人使用G-MAL杀敌30人

2030 Kills: SAS-12Defeat 30 enemies with the SAS-12铜杯SAS-12 ***30人使用SAS-12杀敌30人

2130 Kills: Dragon SniperDefeat 30 enemies with the Dragon Sniper铜杯Dragon Sniper ***30人使用Dragon Sniper杀敌30人

2230 Kills: T-Bolt SniperDefeat 30 enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper铜杯T-Bolt Sniper ***30人使用T-Bolt Sniper杀敌30人

2330 Kills: RPG-7Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG-7铜杯RPG-7 ***30人使用RPG-7杀敌30人

2430 Kills: PAK-80Defeat 30 enemies with the PAK-80铜杯PAK-80 ***30人使用PAK-80杀敌30人

2530 Kills: Mk-NDIDefeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI铜杯Mk-NDI ***30人使用Mk-NDI杀敌30人

26Pro-PainDefeat 10 enemies with propane of acetylene ** explosions铜杯亲密痛楚利用煤气罐爆炸杀敌10人

27Grenade HangmanDefeat ten enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging铜杯手榴弹刽子手攀在边缘用手榴弹炸死10人

28Drop the Bomb HeadshotMake 5 enemies drop their grenades by shooting them铜杯炸掉他的头累积射击5个正要投掷手榴弹的敌人使他们的手榴弹掉落

29ThrowbackKill 10 enemies with thrown-back grenades铜杯掷回去累积掷回敌人的手榴弹杀死10个敌人

30Throwback MasterThrow back a grenade and defeat two enemies at once铜杯回掷***掷回敌人的手榴弹并以此炸死2个敌人

31Bare-knuckle BrawlerDefeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat铜杯格斗好手格斗杀敌20人

32Bare-knuckle SluggerDefeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat铜杯蛮力杀手格斗杀敌50人

33Master NinjaDefeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks铜杯忍者名人暗杀50个敌人

34Riot RockerDefeat 5 Riot Shield enemies by running over their shield铜杯疯狂镇暴者绕过盾牌杀掉5个持镇暴盾的敌人

35Brute BeaterSuccessfully counter all of a Brute's damage-giving attacks铜杯布鲁特猎手成功反制布鲁特所有的进攻

36Quick StudyInspect every display case in the Cartagena Museum铜杯快速研究检查卡塔赫纳博物馆的每个陈列柜

37Ride the CrocodileStand on the crocodile in the Secret Library铜杯骑上鳄鱼!站在秘密藏室的鳄鱼上

38He's Gonna Need a SturgeonHit three enemies with fish in the market铜杯他需要一只鲟鱼!在市场上用鱼打在3个敌人身上

39Marco SoloPlay in the swimming pool on the Cruise Ship铜杯只有马可在豪华游轮的游泳池中戏水

40Truck BrawlerDefeat 10 enemies using hand-to-hand combat on the back of the convoy trucks铜杯卡车斗士在货运卡车后方徒手杀敌10人

41ThrillseekerComplete one Competitive Multiplayer game铜杯***探索者完成一局线上多人竞争游戏

42Buddy SystemComplete one Cooperative Multiplayer game铜杯知心伙伴完成一局线上多人协力游戏

43Master Fortune HunterFind 100 treasures银杯寻宝名人找到100个宝藏

44SurvivorDefeat 75 enemies in a row without dying银杯生存专家保持不死亡杀敌75人

45Combat LeapfrogDefeat 10 enemies in a row, alternating hand-to-hand combat and gunplay银杯交替格斗交替使用肉搏和射击连续杀敌10人

46100 HeadshotsDefeat 100 enemies with headshots银杯100记头部射击累计100次爆头杀敌

47Reload MasterDefeat 50 enemies in a row without auto-reloading银杯装填***不让系统自动装填连续杀敌50人 (仅使用手动装填***)

48Rolling Ammo Master20 times in a row, pick up ammo while rolling银杯翻滚******连续20次在翻滚动作中捡拾***

49Dyno-Might MasterDefeat 5 enemies with one explosion银杯轰炸***一次爆炸炸死5个敌人

50Expert NinjaDefeat 5 enemies in a row using stealth attacks银杯忍者专家连续暗杀5个敌人

51Charted! - EasyFinish the game in Easy Mode铜杯已突破!(难度:容易)容易难度爆机

52Charted! - NormalFinish the game in Normal Mode银杯已突破!(难度:普通)普通难度爆机

53Charted! - HardFinish the game in Hard Mode银杯已突破!(难度:困难)困难难度爆机

54Charted! - CrushingFinish the game in Crushing Mode***已突破!(难度:惨烈超难)惨烈超难难度爆机
